Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Ghost of Atlanta is the 2011 Readers Favorite National Fiction Award Gold Winner!

This is a Blessing From God!
Ghost of Atlanta is a 2011 Readers Favorite National Fiction Award Gold Winner!!!
I've waited for over fifteen years for a chance to see my novels recognized on a national level.
I want to thank all my loyal readers and supporters for your encouragement over the years.
I've worked so hard and it's been frustrating and very difficult at times. I've been a Georgia Author of the Year Nominee in 2007 and 2011, but to be a Gold Winner in a national award contest is an incredible honor.
I want to thank Debra Gaynor the head of Readers Favorite, Dennis DeRose my editor and Passionate Writer Publishing for this honor.

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Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Author's Life: Marketing, Marketing and more Marketing!

For three weeks in 2009, I put myself through a marketing push that has finally made a few dents in the sales of the three published novels in the Julius Thompson Thrillogy.
I’ve finished the fourth book, Purple Phantoms, and I’m in the editing process. I’ve spent the past fifteen years developing this Thrillogy and the Journey is over. With the completion of Purple Phantoms, my writing life is headed in a different direction.
My hectic marketing push began on Labor Day weekend with the AJC Decatur Book Festival in Decatur, Georgia in 2009 where I had the experience of talking about my first novel, A Brownstone In Brooklyn, at the Java Monkey coffee house, then three weeks later I had the pleasure of debuting my second novel, Philly Style & Philly Profile, at the legendary Robins Bookstore in Center City Philadelphia on Sept. 13th.
However, the experience of going back to my old neighborhood to speak in Brooklyn’s Bedford-Stuyvesant section at the Creative Arts Fair on Lewis Avenue, across the street from the Macon Library on Sept. 14, 2009, was an experience that I’m still savoring three years later.
The Creative Arts Fair was located on a closed off street in Brooklyn. Lewis Avenue was a sounding board for me as I talked about A Brownstone in Brooklyn surrounded by those impressive Brownstones. The sound system was fantastic and my voice echoed off the very builidings found in the novel.
It was an incredible moment in Brooklyn.
For three weeks I lived the life of a Author and it was awesome.
In 2010 I was on the road in Charlottesville, Virginia for the Virginia Festival of the Book in the early spring, Roxborough Library in Philadelphia, Buffalo, New York for the Buffalo Book Fair and finally Brooklyn, New York at the Eastern Parkway Branch Library.
For six months I lived the life of an author on the road and it was even better.
Now in 2011, I’ve stayed close to home in Atlanta with the launch Ghost of Atlanta in January 2011, the Sandy Springs Library event in early March and the upcoming AJC-Decatur Book Festival presentation in September 2011.
But starting in January 2011, I’m on the road again with a presentation in Lumberton, North Carolina at the “Book’em North Carolina” event.
My marketing adventures are ever increasing.
Now, if I can only do this fulltime!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Is finding a literary agent an impossible dream!

Sitting in front of my computer slapping my head from side to side...
Finding an agent is so difficult that at times you want to slap your head from side to side and commit physical harm to your body.
Maybe, if I slap hard enough my brain will work in overdrive to figure out a way to make agents interested in my fourth novel: Purple Phantoms.
I feel like Don Quixote of La Mancha in chasing the Impossible Dream.
What a process!
I have the following qualifications:
***Three published novels: A Brownstone in Brooklyn, Philly Style and Philly Profile and Ghost of Atlanta
***2007 and 2011 Georgia of the Year nominations.
***My third novel, Ghost of Atlanta, is a finalist in a National Book Contest!
*** Ghost of Atlanta is on the book shelves of Barnes & Nobles and is selling at a good pace. That’s right it’s on the book shelves of the famous book seller!
***I’ve been a presenter at the 2009 AJC-Decatur Book Festival in Decatur, Georgia, 2010 Virginia Festival of the Book in Charlottesville, Virginia and the 2010 Buffalo Book Fair in Buffalo, New York.
*** I work hard at building a platform for my books and have crashed many barriers and I will work even harder to crash many more barriers to reaching my goal of becoming a well-known author.
***I'm a creative writing instructor at Evening and Emory in Atlanta, Georgia.
Yet, all this seems invisible to agents.
I work hard at writing my novels and I'm extremely dedicated in marketing my novels.
However, frustration sets in at times and erodes my enthusiasm.
I read on agent Linda Roghaar's website a comment that is an aspirin that eases the pain:
"Don't take rejection personally. More often than not a rejection is not about your writing; rather it's that you've gotten it to the wrong person at the wrong time. Look at the package critically and send it out to another."
Yet the agent front is silent for me...totally void of a positive response.
I've followed all the rules, my three published books are well received and have garnered national honors and recognition, but I keep getting the following form letter:
Dear Author:
Thank you so much for sending the (Blank) Literary Agency your query. We'd like to apologize for the impersonal nature of this standard rejection letter. Rest assured that we do read every query letter carefully and, unfortunately, this project is not right for us. Because this business is so subjective and opinions vary widely, we recommend that you pursue other agents. After all, it just takes one "yes" to find the right match.
Good luck with all your publishing endeavors.
Well, I'll just keep sending out query letters and hopefully I'll find that one agent who will say "Yes."
Ooh...my head is still hurting from my palms constantly slapping my head from side to side!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Novel Writing: The Setting

Where am I?
This is a question you DON’T want your readers to dwell on as they turn the pages of your novel.
Picking the setting of a novel is obviously a critical step.
You must craft a vivid and realistic setting to act as a canvass for your characters to perform. This setting/sense of place must be credible.
When you read great works of fiction, you know immediately where and what time period you are in. For example, Walter Mosley puts you in early fifties’ Los Angeles in Devil in a Blue Dress, Harper Lee sets you in the early twentieth century south in To Kill A Mockingbird and F. Scott Fitzgerald sets you in the roaring twenties in The Great Gatsby.
You must give your reader a sense of place and this will make it easier for your readers to exist in the “Fictive Dream” of your novel’s world.
A great author once said: “Characters interact with setting/sense of place as if its’ another character. The setting/place of place will change the character. In a different sense of place the characters will be different. The setting/sense of place will change the characters.”
In crafting your novel, ask yourself a couple of questions. What is the relationship of a particular setting to your novel’s main characters? Can you imagine him/her in a different setting?
What happens in novels, when the protagonists appear in a new setting—what does that appearance in a new setting have to do with “what the book is about”?
For example, my point of view character, Andy Michael Pilgrim, lived, interacted and changed in the three novels of the Julius Thompson Trilogy: A Brooklyn in Brooklyn, Philly Style and Philly Profile and Ghost of Atlanta.
In the progression of the trilogy, Andy’s early adult life was shaped by growing up in Brooklyn, New York and in the move to Philadelphia he was shocked in his young adult life watching the influence of drugs and gangs destroy young people’s lives. Finally, in returning to his beginnings in Atlanta, Georgia, as an adult, he was shaped by the negative memories of his past.
The three cities were major characters and forced Andy Michael Pilgrim to react as if he was confronting another living person in each novel.
As you craft your novel, ask yourself, “Where does the action take place?”
In reading your novel, the must reader learn pretty quickly in what place and time the story unfolds—in other words, where in time and space the story “is set.”
The setting is the backbone of your novel, upon which you will build a cast of dynamic characters. Research your setting so you can add very, very specific details to make your setting as realistic as possible. You must be very descriptive in your setting to pull and keep people reading your book.
In choosing the setting for your novel, ask yourself these questions:
1. What year is it?
2. What City and town do your characters live in?
3. What is the weather like?
4. What season is it?
5. What type of architecture is found in your setting?
6. What is the setting of your Novel?
7. How do you paint a picture of the setting in the reader’s head?
I hope these hints help you create realistic settings for your novels or short stories.
Happy Writing!!!!!!