Saturday, October 23, 2021



It is spreading and it is coming for you. Beware the Killer Kudzu!

Killer Kudzu Synopsis:

Killer Kudzu is a pre-apocalyptic, semi-horror novel where science has gone terribly wrong. There is a southern twang in the characters voices and a distinctive down-home feel in the locale.
It is written with a social twist and a commentary about the relationship between blacks and whites in the south.
Killer Kudzu is in the vain of the creeping menace like Pandemic, The Atlantic Gene, The Hot Zone and The Day of the Triffids.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Thompson On. . .Interviews Award Winning Washington, D. C. poet Rickey K. Hood!

Thompson On. . .Interviews Award Winning Washington, D. C. poet Rickey K. Hood!: Why Become a poet? Well that’s not easy to answer? It’s like asking a bird what inspires you to sing, or a fish what inspires you to swim? Nothing inspired me to become a poet… I am a poet.” Read about Rickey K. Hood and his awesome poetry. He is a master of the letters. 
 Thompson On. . .Interviews Award Winning Washington, D. C. poet Rickey K. Hood! 

Friday, October 15, 2021

A Brownstone in Brooklyn, was just nominated for the 2021 Readers Choice Awards contest by TCK Publishing!


  I'm so excited because, A Brownstone in Brooklyn, was just nominated for the 2021 Readers Choice Awards contest by TCK Publishing! Please click Number 14 and it is the last book in the Historical Fiction Category!

 Please vote for it at

Here is the message I received:

I'm happy to inform you that your book submission under the [Historical Fiction Category] has already been approved.

Your readers and fans can start voting for your book through the Reader's Choice Voting page.

The book with the most votes by November 13, 2021 will win, so make sure to share the voting page with your fans as much as possible!

Thank you in advance for Voting for A Brownstone in Brooklyn!


Thursday, October 14, 2021

Thompson On…An Interview with former Brooklyn, N.Y. Library Information Specialist Eleanor Adams!

Thompson On…An Interview with former Brooklyn, N.Y. Library Information Specialist Eleanor Adams!: Eleanor Adams: “You get a variety of questions about all subjects from different personalities.” ========================================================================= Special Note: Eleanor was an exceptional Librarian and just recently retired. She was a master at her craft at the Macon Branch and a legend in the Bedford-Stuyvesant section of Brooklyn. 

Special Note: Eleanor was an exceptional Librarian and just recently retired. She was a master at her craft at the Macon Branch and a legend in the Bedford-Stuyvesant section of Brooklyn.
Julius Thompson Q/A Session with Eleanor Adams!
ET: What is unique about being a Library Information Specialist in Brooklyn, New York? After all New York City is the literary capital of the world.
EA: You get a variety of questions about all subjects from different personalities. Writers often come in to ask where and how to publish or where writers’ groups are located or how to send their manuscripts to editors or publishers.

JT: What inspired you to be a Librarian?
EA : I like to read and want to know a little about everything. Also, I like to bring information to people. Being a librarian seem a good match to my interests.

JT: Describe a typical day in the Macon Branch.
EA ; It’s a combination of drudgery and extraordinary. Sometimes I clean up bathrooms and I also have been an event planner. Books are checked in or out, questions are answered, children are disciplined, I train other librarians and library issues are discussed.

JT: Did you ever aspire to be a published author?
EA: I am one! I have six short stories published and am tightening up my novel. Another good thing about being a librarian is that I have access to all types of fiction books, so I can learn different writing techniques.

JT: When did you first consider yourself a librarian?
EA : When I was in 7 th grade I began writing term papers on various subjects. I found I like to write and to do research. I also like to tell my classmates where they can find the information I discovered. Though I hoped I could get a job as a writer, being a librarian is a good option.

JT: Tell us about your years a Library Information Specialist?
EA: I received physical threats, mental abuse and not recognize by my supervisors for my efforts. I ‘ve also received many heartfelt thanks of appreciation from many library patrons. My greatest achievement is establishing and maintaining the African American Heritage room at Macon. I won an award which I used to buy books about African American, Caribbean and African history and culture. I also created Bed-Stuy artists programs (Macon is located in Bedford Stuyvesant) where artists in different fields (writers, filmmakers, visual artists) showed and explained their work.

JT: Have you fulfilled your goals as a librarian?
EA: All my goals can never be achieved since there’s always something new going on in the library world that’s worth exploring. I’ve been given the chance to do things that I wanted to do and did them well. I don’t feel I’m missing out.

JT: Name five novels that my readers should check out from the library .
EA: They are not all novels, but may choices are:

The Writing Class by Jincy Willett . An intriguing mystery that also examine the desperation, perversion and mania of the writing life.

Song of Myself First and Final Editions by Walt Whitman. The first edition of 1855 and the last edition of 1892 are published together which allows readers to see how Whitman developed his poem over time.

Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. To be read for inspiration for it stresses the importance of writing well since it makes it easier for people to remember it as books are burned because they are considered dangerous.

Mules and Men by Zora Neale Hurston . Shows how folklore is developed through facts and how stories are written from facts.

Short stories by John Cheever, Raymond Carver and Ernest Hemingway. They are considered to be the finest of short stories writers. To condense great storytelling into few words and pages demonstrates great writing skills.

JT: As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
EA :A spy. Harriet the Spy by Louise Fitzhugh had a great impact on me for the main character like to write things down, and spy on what people were doing.

JT: What advice would you give to authors that want their books on the library shelves?
EA: Though self-published books are on the rise most libraries won’t accept them. Being published by an established company makes libraries aware of your books. Companies will market your books for free while self -publish authors will have to pay if they want their work marketed. Publishers tend to offer libraries discounts on books or will allow libraries to return the books at no cost. Libraries operate on very little money and they appreciate the discounts that can get. Good reviews would also help get books into libraries and most review magazines such as Kirkus and Mosiac tend not to review self-published books.

Eleanor, thank you for this wonderful, candid and informative Question and Answer Session!

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Firebird Book Awards nomination for Coming of Age for A Brownstone in Brooklyn!

  A Brownstone In Brooklyn for consideration of Firebird Book Awards in Coming of Age. This work has achieved recognition among readers and industry alike, and is presented with the belief your venerable judging panel will find it a worthy nominee and engaging read.
   A Brownstone In Brooklyn chronicles the life-altering events that shape the future of Andy Michael Pilgrim, a young man growing up in the turbulent sixties. This novel provided a nice look into New York City during a historic time of change. Thompson pens crisp and clear sentences that provides vivid imagery. It reveals a first hand account of someone who did experience that time in New York City during the race riots. It shows how far America has come in healing the past’s wounds.

Please click the link to purchase A Brownstone in Brooklyn!